OIKOntology is a semantic tool which enables end-user exploration and data querying of the databases of the OIKODOMOS Virtual Campus . There are three separated databases whose contents have been translated onto an ontology in order to facilitate integrated access to the three repositories of the Virtual Campus: OIKODOMOS Workspaces , OIKODOMOS Case Repository and OIKOpedia .

OIKODOMOS Workspaces , the environment which supports the collaborative design of learning processes in the OIKODOMOS Virtual Campus, will be will be presented in the ONLINE EDUCA conference, November 29 in Berlin.

The participatory analysis of the Plus Ultra neighborhood in Barcelona, carried out in an OIKODOMOS seminar, is part of the exhibition My Very Own City, which is taking place in the 6th Urban Researcher and Knowledge Symposium, celebrated in Barcelona, 8-10 October 2012.

During the first semester of the academic year 2011-2012, five schools of architecture of Spain, Turkey, Germany, and North Cyprus are collaborating in the Workspace "Housing Reagents".
The learning activities include an international workshop in Barcelona, which takes place from 16th to 18th December. In this workshop, students from Gebze Institute of Technology and La Salle will jointly develop strategies to transform the neighborhood Plus Ultra in Barcelona.

As preparation for the International Conference in Brussels, we have created this FORUM to discuss some of the topics presented in the accepted papers. The topics cover the two areas of study included in the OIKODOMOS project: housing studies and pedagogy.
The purpose of the forum is to engage conference participants -as well as the interested public- in a debate which will continue during the conference and also after it. The topics discussed will help to identify some of the most relevant topics in today's contemporary housing design and planning which can then be later studied in the learning activities of the OIKODOMOS Virtual Campus.
Please sign in the FORUM to participate in the discussion. If you experience any difficulty to register, please send an email to support@oikodomos.org and we will create a login/password for you.

The conference program has been published. Please check it at the project blog or in this document.
The OIKODOMOS partnership calls for contributions on the development and applications of virtual campuses and/or the latest findings in the field of housing studies. It is anticipated that papers will fall into the topics below but other contributions are also welcomed:
Innovating and Housing: Issues addressing multiples ways to foster innovation in housing, in different ways: at the process level, seeking the participation of the different actors involved in the design, including dwellers; at the construction level, applying open systems approaches; at the design level, proposing domestic spaces which suit to current social needs; etc.
Housing and Learning: Subject-matters within the field of housing studies developed in different pedagogic contexts: design studios in architecture and urban planning, theoretical courses and seminars, formal and informal educational settings.
Learning and Innovating: Issues dealing with pedagogic innovation particularly through the integration of ICT technologies in education, as for example: learning design, blended learning, constructivism, virtual campuses.
Papers which reflect the main conference themes will be given priority but all contributions will be considered on merit. Papers for the conference should be tailored to a 25-minute presentation timeframe. A proceedings will be published with all accepted and presented papers (one attendee necessary).
More information please see conference call
Contact: oikodomos@architectuur.sintlucas.wenk.be

A series of webcasts will take place in the months of July and September to present and explain the OIKODOMOS Virtual Campus to the academic and scientific communities. Through these webcasts we will provide the necessary support for facilitate the participation of other institutions in the OIKODOMOS pedagogic activities.
The first webcast is scheduled for Monday July 4th, 2011, starting at 15:00 (CET). From 14:00, it will be possible to connect to test the functioning of video and audio. If you are interested to join it, please write to project@oikodomos.org and will send you back the access key.
To access the webcast please go to https://collab.switch.ch/oikodomos/
To enter the platform: select " Enter as a Guest ", type a name and click on " Enter Room ".
Looking forward to meeting to you there!.
What is Oikodomos? An audiovisual introduction to the project.

21/7/2011 Norbert Kling
Students from TU Cottbus have completed their work in the OIKODOMOS Case Repository. A total of 126 students have studied and documented 24 cases which are available in the repository.
6/7/2011 Sedef Özçelik
Teachers from the Gebze Institute of Technology, Turkey, have evaluated the work done by students of Sint-Lucas Department of Architecture in Design Studio "Empowering Suburbia: Architectural Strategies in Linden".
11/04/2011 Kling, Norbert
BTU Cottbus to join OIKODOMOS activities
The module "Introduction to building science" of the Summer Semester 2011 will be dedicated to the topic "Dwellings for Higher Densities: Case Study Projects"
The OIKODOMOS Case Repository will be used as support for the learning activities.
11/04/2011 Scheerlinck, Kris
Sint Lucas has created two new tasks in Workspace Proximity:
- LA 27: Designing Proximity, Social Context. Task 12: what is Social Cohesion?
-LA 22. Designing Prximity, Urban Context. Task 13: Micro Urban Strategies.
31/03/2011 Ozmen, Beril
LA 28 INTERFACES, Learning Activity proposed by EMU. We would like to discuss what happen if we analyse the houses in a building scale and housing grouping and in the neighborhood to see with its interconnectedness with the others in several ways:
1. A social mapping can be readable through the household members' perception, behavior and lifestyles.
2. The territories around home conveys a holistic understanding and interpretation with the concept of proximity;
15/05/2011 OIKODOMOS Team
OIKODOMOS International Workshop took place in Istanbul from May 2nd thru 6th. 45 students and 14 students participated. More information at the Project blog.
30/04/2011 OIKODOMOS Team
Workshop starts on May 2, 2011. This is the program of activities.
11/04/2011 Scheerlinck, Kris
The applications to participate in the Workshop are currently being reviewed. The decission will be communicated on Monday 11.4.2011
31/03/2011 Scheerlinck, Kris
The deadline for applications for the Istanbul Workshop has been extended until April 5th, 2011
Interested students can still submit their application. Please check the Workshop brochure for details.